- Duration : up to 30 Days
- Number Of Features : 6
- Can be accessed even when offline
- Enable direct communication using in-app and push notifications
- Can be personalised based on personal preferences
- Mobile features can be used to improve experince like camera, calling, contacts and
- Mobile apps are faster and more responsive than websites
- Increased conversion rate due to constant availability on client mobile phones
We develop custom mobile applications that support both Andoid smart phones and Apple iOS. We can also convert your website into a mobile application. If you have problems with your current mobile app we can customise existing apps that are not performing as expected. Advantages of Mobile Applications over websites
Service Includes
- Requirements analysis
- Structuring or wire framing of application from end to end
- Application front end design
- Hookup of front end and backend
- Testing of Appliction to make sure all requirements are met.
- Deployment and Market submission