E-mail: sales@bluebridge.co.za | Phone : 086 999 0360 - 0788 530 318

blue bridge it solutions

Our Process

  • 1.Get in touch with us with your needs and requirements
  • 2.We will take a look at your needs and requirements and map out a plan on how it can be done
  • 3.If you happy with our plan we will create a quote and sent it to you for approval and payment
  • 4.Once we receive payment we will start working on your project
  • 5.You may be assigned a project manager to keep track of progress and provide you with feedback depending on the size of the project
  • 6.Once we have a working sample or prototye, we will contact you and walk you through everything
  • 7.If you happy with our work we will polish up and arrange testing.If not we will go back and fix whatever is wrong depending on our agreement.
  • 8.If the testing goes well we will arrange deployment to deliver the final product.
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